US Public Health Service Dental Officers Affirm Fluoridation on 75th Anniversary

July 14th, 2020 Communities Supporting Fluoride, Fluoride and Public Health, What the Experts Say about Fluoride

75th Anniversary Logo

    To commemorate the 75th anniversary of community water fluoridation (CWF), eight former United States Public Health Service (USPHS) Dental Officers have issued a statement affirming this public health practice. “Community water fluoridation is the great equalizer in prevention of dental caries because all individuals regardless of income or education are able to access […]

Maternal Fluoride & Children’s IQ

September 12th, 2019 Fluoride and Public Health, Fluoride in the News

Fluoride in water is an important way to prevent tooth decay, which causes millions of lost hours of work and school each year. We know from seven decades of scientific research that an optimal level of fluoride in water is safe and effective in preventing tooth decay by at least 25% in both children and adults. Children […]

Attempts to Discontinue Fluoridation in U.S. Communities Fail 4 out of 5 Times

June 5th, 2018 Children's Oral Health and Fluoride, Communities Supporting Fluoride, Fluoride and Public Health, Partners in Fluoride

  The Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors (ASTDD) recently posted the findings of its ongoing surveillance of attempts by opponents of water fluoridation to end the practice in targeted communities. In 2017, although existing fluoridation policy was challenged in 48 communities, it was maintained in 39 (81%). This continues a trend that has […]

New Study: No Neurotoxic Effect

April 24th, 2018 Fluoride in the News, What the Experts Say about Fluoride

In recent years, opponents of community water fluoridation (CWF) have pointed to some studies as supporting their concerns that fluoride is a neurotoxin that can lead to lower IQs or cognitive scores among children. Experts have examined those studies and cited significant weaknesses or limitations. Nonetheless, researchers in multiple countries have continued to explore this […]