Campaign for Dental Health
Over the past half century, better dental care and fluoridation have transformed American oral health. Run-away tooth decay and rows of missing teeth, once commonplace, are now rarer than ever. But this evolution has not proceeded evenly. Millions of children, especially poor and minority kids, are needlessly suffering from oral health problems. So the Campaign for Dental Health, a program of the American Academy of Pediatrics, has organized to defend our progress and ensure that more children get the basic dental care they need to grow, learn, and lead healthy lives.

Children with healthy mouths do better in school and are more likely to become happy and successful adults. We want our communities to make rational decisions about their health based on science, not fear. The goal of our work and this website is to share the facts about oral health and preventive strategies like fluoride.Acknowledgements
The Campaign for Dental Health is a program of the American Academy of Pediatrics, generously supported in part by the CareQuest Institute for Oral Health and the Arcora Foundation.Who is With Us
Questions about fluoride?
We are here to help navigate the science to find the credible answers you are looking for.