Contact Us

We would love to hear from you about teeth—yours or anyone else’s. We can answer questions about the Campaign for Dental Health (CDH), oral health issues, preventive strategies like water fluoridation, or coach you on how to advocate to preserve our nation’s gains in oral health. It is our mission to provide the public and policy makers with the evidence-based information and tools they need to promote and protect this important public health measure. Feel free to contact us using the information below.

Boy Brushing TeethContact the Campaign for Dental Health

American Academy of Pediatrics
Attn: Campaign for Dental Health
345 Park Boulevard
Itasca, IL 60143
800/433-9016 (toll-free tel)
847/434-8000 (fax)

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Parents & Caregivers

The American Academy of Pediatrics is unable to respond to requests from parents regarding the personal medical concerns of their children. Your pediatrician is the best source for child and adolescent health information. Find a Pediatrician Service and Healthy Children are useful tools in your search for a pediatrician or information regarding the personal medical concerns of your child(ren).