
Tools for Oral Health Risk Assessment – Spanish & English

The AAP Oral Health Risk Assessment tool has been updated to streamline and support this essential component of the well-child visit. The tool is now accompanied by an intake form to collect pertinent patient information from parents/caregivers. An updated self-management goal sheet supports shared decision-making on preventing cavities and maintaining healthy teeth at home. The […]

Tooth Brushing Technique Graphic & Snippet

This graphic and 30-second video snippet demonstrate tooth brushing technique in a language-free format! They are perfect for anyone working with children and families with limited English proficiency. This message-tested resource conveys messages about brushing two times a day, morning and night, using toothpaste in the appropriate amount, and brushing motion throughout the mouth. Preventing […]
pediatrician; teeth

VIDEO SNIP: Ask your Pediatrician about Teeth

Young children see the doctor earlier in life and more often than they see the dentist which is why Pediatrician Geisel Collazo Garcia reminds us that your child’s doctor can answer questions about teeth and help you determine when to start seeing the dentist, around your baby’s 1st birthday.

Latinx – Proteger Los Dientes De Los MĂĄs Pequeños / Protecting Young People’s Teeth

“We used to think that baby teeth weren’t very important. But we learned that they help children eat nutritious foods, speak clearly, and make room for permanent teeth.” Here’s how to get kids off to a great start with healthy teeth for a lifetime. Click on an image below to download and share in either […]

VIDEO SNIP: The Burden of Dental Disease

Pediatrician Qadira Ali Huff sees many families of color and people with low incomes who bear the burden of cavities and dental disease. Dr Huff shares her confidence in tap water to encourage everyone to save money and benefit from the fluoride found in most tap water.

Latinx – Mantener Saludables Los Dientes Del BebĂ© / Keeping Baby Teeth Healthy

“I used to think baby teeth didn’t matter. But I learned that they help children stay healthy and prepare for healthy adult teeth.” Yes! Here’s how to care for baby teeth (hint: it starts in pregnancy!). Click on an image below to download and share in either Spanish or English.
fluoride toothpaste; children; toothpaste for children; toothpaste recommendations

VIDEO SNIP: Best way to protect your family’s teeth

Pediatrician Qadira Ali Huff loves to see what families do to stay healthy. She has a tip that helps protect teeth, saves money, and is good for the environment, too!

Latinx – Proteger Sus Dientes Para Toda La Vida / Protecting Your Teeth For A Lifetime

“We used to think that losing teeth was just a fact of life. Then we learned that it’s 100% preventable with a few simple steps.” And here they are! Click on an image below to download and share in Spanish or English.
every; stage;

VIDEO SNIP: Water at Every Stage of Life

Pediatrician Qadira Ali Huff sees children and cares about your whole family’s health, too. That’s why she wants us to know that drinking water is good at every stage of the lifespan.

Latinx – Proteger Sus Dientes MĂĄs Adelante En La Vida / Protect Your Teeth Later in Life

“Since my parents and grandparents lost their teeth, I thought it was just a fact of life. But then I learned that I could keep my teeth healthy.”  Here’s how you can keep your teeth healthy later in life. Click on an image below to download and share in Spanish or English.
Boy Using Water Fountain

VIDEO SNIP: Simplify the Hubbub

Daily life is hectic. Pediatrician Ben Hoffman reminds us that drinking water with fluoride helps protect our teeth, without adding more to your list of things to do.

Oral Health Integration!

Cavities and dental disease are almost completely preventable. Working together, we can ensure good oral health for all communities. Learn how health practitioners like you are making it easier to keep healthy with easy oral health integration. Download  and  share!
healthy mouth; healthy body

Healthy Mouth = Healthy Body

Healthy Mouth = Healthy Body. That’s why when we celebrate 75 years of community water fluoridation, we celebrate a lifetime of science that benefits not just our oral health but our overall health too.  Download  and  share!

Here’s a cavity-fighting boost!

Looking for an easy cavity-fighting boost? Tiny teeth in every home can stay protected with every glass of tap water thanks to community water fluoridation. Download and share!

Power Tools for Tiny Teeth!

Some of the best tiny teeth power tools live right in your medicine cabinet. These unsung heros help you prevent surprise trips to the doctor or dentist by keeping cavities and dental disease at bay.  Download and share!
75th Anniversary Logo

USPHS Dental Officers Affirm CWF

To commemorate the 75th anniversary of community water fluoridation (CWF), eight former United States Public Health Service (USPHS) Dental Officers have issued a statement affirming this public health practice. “Community water fluoridation is the great equalizer in prevention of dental caries because all individuals regardless of income or education are able to access their public […]

AI/AN – Ways to prevent tooth decay in babies, toddlers & preschoolers

American Indian and Alaskan Native babies, toddlers and school-aged children experience more tooth decay than Mexican-American, Black, or White children in the U.S.

AI/AN – Ways to protect teeth & prevent decay in school-age kids & teens

American Indian and Alaskan Native school children have more cavities that go untreated than any other group of US kids the same age.

AI/AN – Protecting teeth over a lifetime

More than twice as many American Indian and Alaskan Native adults, aged 35 and older, report having poor oral health than adults in the general population.

AI/AN – Protecting teeth later in life

American Indian and Alaskan Native older adults (age 65-74) are more than twice as likely to have untreated tooth decay.
Silver Diamine Fluoride; pediatric dental

VIDEO: Community Water Fluoridation Works!

Pediatrician Ben Hoffman talks about the difference between kids’ teeth in cities with and without community water fluoridation. Preventing unnecessary cavities and having a healthy mouth is good for us in so many ways. And staying healthy now is more important than ever. Share this short video with families and friends.

VIDEO: Los beneficios de agua del grifo

Pediatra Geisel Collazo: Los beneficios de tomar aqua del grifo sobre tomar bebidas con azĂșcar. Prevenir caries innecesarias y tener una boca sana es algo muy bueno para todos en muchos sentidos. Y mantenerse sano ahora es mĂĄs importante que nunca. Comparta este corto video con sus familiares y amigos.
juice; water; new recommendations

VIDEO: Fluoride in Water: An Easy Way to Protect your Teeth

Pediatrician Geisel Collazo wants families to know that fluoride in water, plus fluoride in toothpaste, is a great way to protect your teeth. Preventing unnecessary cavities and having a healthy mouth is good for us in so many ways. And staying healthy now is more important than ever. Share this short video with families and […]
effectiveness; oral health; medical providers

VIDEO: Drinking Tap Water Protects Kids’ Teeth

Pediatrician Qadira Ali Huff cares about your child’s health, and that includes teeth! See what she has to say about how simply drinking tap water can help. Preventing unnecessary cavities and having a healthy mouth is good for us in so many ways. And staying healthy now is more important than ever. Share this short […]

The Burden of Dental Care Costs for Low Income Families

Did you know that people living in poverty spend ten times more as a proportion of their annual family income on dental services than high-income families? Click here to read Part 1 of our 3-part series from the DentaQuest Partnership for Oral Health Advancement that outlines barriers to dental care based on income, and how […]
dental caries; children; adolescents

VIDEO: Hidden Pain: America’s Oral Health Crisis

Hidden Pain: America’s Oral Health Crisis documents the pain, suffering and enormous cost to the American people by not providing access to oral health care. From the Jon C. Burr Foundation.

Water: Healthy Beverage Consumption in Early Childhood

Research shows that what children drink – from birth through age 5 – can have a big impact on their health. That’s why some of the nation’s leading experts on health and nutrition developed recommendations to help parents and caregivers choose what’s best for kids. The full recommendations can be found at This brief […]
how flouride works

VIDEO: How Fluoride Works

Did you know that fluoride exists naturally in virtually all water supplies? Fluoride reduces decay by strengthening tooth enamel. Water is “fluoridated” when a public water system adjusts the fluoride to a level known to prevent tooth decay.

Sugary Drink State & Local Policy Options

Children in the US consume over 30 gallons of sugary drinks every year. Excess consumption of sugary drinks can lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, and tooth decay. For every 10% increase in the cost of sugary drinks, consumption decreases by 7%. See this informative infographic by the American Academy of Pediatrics.


School nurses, invited to attend the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Campaign for Dental Health meeting in March 2018, added their voice to state teams advocating for oral health through community water fluoridation. Read their feature article, in the NASN School Nurse – open access only until November 4, 2019. 

Common Questions on Fluoride & Fluorosis

Parents have questions, and we have answers. The Campaign for Dental Health has new, simpler versions of two of our handouts for parents and caregivers, in both Spanish and English. Enhanced graphics, bold formatting, and a reduction in the amount of text makes these quicker and easier to read. As companions to Fluorosis Facts: A […]

Water Operators one-pager now available!

Now available – a condensed version of our popular Water Operators Web page as a PDF you can download and/or share electronically! We know that fluoridation is only a small portion of the important job that water operators do. That’s why we’ve developed brief responses to common questions utility personnel receive. Fluoridation information to help […]

Updated How CWF Works Poster Size Now Available!

The Campaign for Dental Health (CDH) is happy to announce that the How Fluoridation Works poster and graphic have been updated with new images and are available in both Spanish and English!  And now a new format is available that allows for printing of full-size, 18×24 posters! These resources compliment the How Fluoride Works video that is also […]
Mother and son

Bocas Sanas Para Tí y Tu Bebé

Spanish subtitles included! Two minutes is all you need to see how to clean an infants mouth and set yourself and your baby up for a lifetime of healthy teeth! This video from the University of Maryland School of Public Health’s Horowitz Center for Health Literacy shows one new mom learning how.

Healthy Mouths for You and Your Baby

Two minutes is all you need to see how to clean an infants mouth and set yourself and your baby up for a lifetime of healthy teeth! This video from the University of Maryland School of Public Health’s Horowitz Center for Health Literacy shows one new mom learning how.

A resource for families: How to Avoid Harmful Tobacco Products

Most people who use tobacco – including cigarettes, e-cigarette (vaping) devices or chewing tobacco – started as teenagers. That’s why it is important to protect children early in life from exposure to tobacco products. The Campaign for Dental Health and the Julius B. Richmond Center of Excellence of the American Academy of Pediatrics are pleased […]

Addressing Tobacco in Dental Settings: A Resource for Dental Professionals

Some behaviors are good, like brushing teeth twice a day. Other behaviors, like smoking, can start a lifetime of addiction. It’s just better if we never start. Children exposed to tobacco smoke have higher rates of dental caries. Dental professionals play a critically important role. Pediatric and adult dental care visits offer an opportunity to […]
Oral Health Pregnancy

Dental Care During Pregnancy is Safe and Important (English & Spanish)

Pregnant women with poor oral health risk passing cavity causing bacteria on to their newborns. To stop the cycle, expectant mothers should see a dentist for regular care while pregnant and address any issues or concerns related to their oral health and pregnancy. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and Children’s Dental Health Project (CDHP) […]

Build #HealthyCommunities

The social determinants of health are experienced in the home, the school, the workplace, and in the community. Our health outcomes are most influenced by economic stability, neighborhood and physical environment, education, access to food/absence of hunger, and the community and social contexts of our lives. Not every community has what it needs for optimal […]
Fluoride Keeps Teeth Strong

VIDEO: Kids Know What Makes Teeth Strong!

What did you know about oral health when you were five years old? See what these four, five and six year olds have to say about keeping their teeth shiny and strong.
Fluoride Really Saved our Teeth

VIDEO: Fluoride Really Saved our Teeth

Maria Marquez is a pediatrician in the nation’s capital and a champion of children’s oral health. She knows from both professional and personal experience how much difference water with fluoride means to the health of children’s teeth. That’s why she shared her personal story with us in this new video.

Video: Keeping Kids Healthy: Thinking Beyond the Dental Office

Keeping Kids Healthy: Thinking Beyond the Dental Office There’s no question that access to dental care is critical to helping children achieve optimal oral health. But many stakeholders outside of a dental office also have key parts to play, from doctors to social service providers. In this one-minute video, Colin Reusch, Director of Policy at the […]
Share the Water, Share the Love

Video: Share the Water, Share the Love (English & Spanish)

Video: Share the Water, Share the Love As part of The Mighty Mouth campaign, Washington Dental Service Foundation recently partnered with University of California San Francisco and the University of Washington to develop “Share the Love, Share the Water” a two minute animated, engaging video for Latino/a audiences that explains in plain language with fun […]
Teens need their teeth

Teens Need Their Teeth (English & Spanish)

Your teens may think that they don’t need you anymore, but they’ll always need their teeth! During adolescence we want to be sure that children continue effective oral hygiene habits such as brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, flossing, seeing a dentist, eating a healthy diet that is low in sugar, and drinking water […]
Pediatricians love babies and teeth

Pediatricians LOVE babies and they love baby teeth! (English & Spanish)

Babies are only little for a short time but they need all of our love, care, and affection to make sure that they grow into healthy and happy adults. We don’t think about baby teeth any differently. Taking care of baby teeth is as important as taking care of adult teeth. If you aren’t sure […]
Recipe for Healthy Childhood

Recipe for A Happy and Healthy Childhood (English & Spanish)

Wouldn’t it be great if children came with a recipe to make sure that they grow up happy and healthy? We know it isn’t that simple, but generally there are three ingredients we all want for kids – Laugh, Play, and Smile. Now take a minute to think about how you laugh, play, or smile […]
Oral Health and Pregnancy

Oral Health and Pregnancy (English & Spanish)

The importance of a healthy mouth both before and during pregnancy is not well-understood by most people. What we do know is that dental caries, the disease-process that leads to cavities, is caused by bacteria. Bacteria can spread and do so easily in families. Oral bacteria are no different, and for this reason it is […]

Video: Agua Es Injusto

Agua Es Injusto Justicia Refrescante, a project of El Centro Amistad in Boulder, Colorado, started as an immigrant rights group in 2001. Today their mission is “to integrate and transform the Boulder County community through opportunities and programs for Latinos that promote education, health, and quality of life.” Health includes fighting for safe drinking water. […]

Let’s Do Our Part for A Healthy Start

It’s time to set the record straight on the benefits of community water fluoridation (CWF). For some children, fluoridated water is the only form of prevention available. Let’s do our part for a healthy start for all children by supporting community water fluoridation. We encourage you to download the following shareable image for use on […]

History Is Full of Bad Decisions

Seven decades of experience and research reaffirm the evidence that community water fluoridation (CWF) is effective and safe to protect teeth in people of all ages. History is full of bad decisions. Community water fluoridation isn’t one of them. Water with fluoride offers a lifetime of benefits, backed by a lifetime of evidence. We encourage […]
What Kids Say About Teeth

Video: Oral Health According to Kids

Kids say the darnedest things! What did you think about oral health when you were five years old? Chances are you didn’t think about it at all, unless you had a painful cavity. See what these kids think about brushing their teeth, what keeps teeth strong, and going to the dentist!
Kids Brushing Teeth

Video: Do You Know When Kids Brush Their Teeth?

What would your kids say if you asked them about brushing their teeth? We asked preschoolers about brushing their teeth to keep them healthy. See what they think!
Fluoride Strengthens Teeth

Strengthen Your Body, One Glass at a Time (English & Spanish)

Strengthen your body, one glass at a time. Water with fluoride protects teeth, especially instead of sugary drinks. Water is the easy, inexpensive and healthy choice for your teeth and your body.
Health Equity Fluoridation

Oral Health Equity Begins with Fluoridation (English & Spanish)

Oral health equity begins with community water fluoridation. Everyone deserves good health, and good health means good teeth! Water with fluoride protects teeth and helps build healthy communities and healthy families.
Teach Them to Brush and Floss

Teach Them to Brush and Floss (English & Spanish)

You teach your children to read, ride a bike and say “thank you.” Be sure they’re learning to floss and brush with the right amount of fluoride toothpaste. And remember that replacing sugary drinks with fluoridated water protects teeth and overall health, too.
Fluoride Is A Good Tginf

Why Fluoride In Your Tap Water Is a Good Thing

Your orange juice can contain calcium, and milk can help deliver Vitamin D into your daily diet. Find out why adding fluoride to your community water systems is safe, natural and effective at preventing 25% of cavities.

Video: Diabetes and Your Oral Health

Good oral health, including drinking fluoridated water instead of sugar sweetened beverages, in just as important to children at risk for or suffering from diabetes or struggling with overweight. The Washington Dental Service Foundation has created this 1.5 minute video on oral health and diabetes for use in patient and provider communications, trainings, and for diabetes educators to use with patients.
U.S. Surgeon General Supports Fluoridation

Video: U.S. Surgeon General Supports Water Fluoridation

In a new video, U.S. Surgeon General Vivek H. Murthy, MD credits community water fluoridation with contributing to declines in the prevalence and severity of tooth decay.
Time to Brush Video

Video: Time To Brush: Tips for Parents of Young Children

Tooth decay is the most common disease children experience. The Time To Brush video provides tips for parents of young children about selecting the right toothbrush, how much toothpaste to use, tooth brushing techniques, and tips for getting their children to brush their teeth.
healthcare providers that support fluoride

We’re Doctors, but We’re Also Parents and We Support CWF

Parents trust what they hear from other parents. That’s why these parents want others to know they support community water fluoridation.
fluoride can help children's dental health

Community Water Fluoridation – It’s the Least We Can Do for Our Kids

America is one of the most advanced countries in the world. One reason why is our great public health system. Community water fluoridation is enjoyed by 75% of the nation. It is responsible for huge reductions in tooth decay for people of all ages. Be proud to support community water fluoridation in your community.

Video: Why The Government Puts Fluoride In Our Water

The Discovery Channel’s DNews explains why the government puts fluoride in our water in this informative and entertaining video hosted by Trace Dominquez.
Why is fluoride good for teeth?

Video: Why Is Fluoride Good for Teeth?

The SciShow is a series of science-based videos explaining interesting questions. In Why is fluoride good for your teeth?, Michael Aranda answers this question. If our teeth are made mostly of calcium, why do we use fluoride to keep them healthy?
pro-fluoride dentist and mother

I’m a Doctor, but I’m Also a Mom and I Support Fluoridation

LeeAnn McQuade is a loving mom and a caring dentist who wants the best for her family, community and clients. She supports community water fluoridation because preventing tooth decay reduces the need for dental treatment and helps everyone have healthier teeth their entire lives.
community water fluoridation is good for our children's teeth

Community Water Fluoridation is the Least We Can Do for Our Kids

Fluoridated water is one of the best things your community can do to create conditions that help all its members. Building healthy communities builds healthy families, and an America that builds strong families is something we can all be proud of.
pro-fluoride dentist removing myth from fact

Video: Debunking Unreliable Claims About Fluoridation

Dr Brittany Seymour, assistant professor in oral health policy and epidemiology at Harvard School of Dental Medicine, debunks unreliable claims about water fluoridation in this new video, providing much-needed information and context to the often misrepresented Harvard Study on fluoridation and children’s IQ.
community water fluoridation supported by moms

I’m a Dentist, but I’m Also a Mom and I Support Fluoridation

Dr Valencia has something to share, not as a dentist but as a mother. She believes that fluoridated water is a great way to help her sons protect their growing teeth from decay. She knows that everyone benefits from drinking optimally fluoridated water.
Pediatrician who supports fluoride for children

I’m a Pediatrician, but I’m Also a Mom and I Support Fluoridation

Kelly Curtin-Hallinan is a mom and a pediatrician. What does she do for her daughters? She makes sure they drink water with the right balance of fluoride to help protect their teeth from decay. She knows that community water fluoridation benefits everyone.

I’m a Family Physician, but I’m Also a Dad and I Support CWF

The Campaign for Dental Health is pleased to provide supporters of community water fluoridation (CWF) with seven new shareable images. These are designed to place CWF at the center of values that are shared by communities and individuals alike: pride of place, doing what’s best for children, and maintaining healthy practices that benefit everyone.
Fluoride Building Blocks Poster

Fluoride Builds a Foundation for Healthy Teeth

This poster was developed to by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to help communicate the importance of oral health.
Share the Love, Share the Water

Video: Share the Love, Share the Water

In this video, families will learn how to avoid the sugar in popular beverages by choosing to drink the most refreshing, inexpensive and life-sustaining drink in the world: water! So share the love, share the water.

Water Fluoridation and Your Health

Water Fluoridation and Your Health Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors (ASTDD) has developed a great video on the importance of community water fluoridation (CWF). Speakers include a school nurse, teacher, pediatrician, and more!  
Fluoride Infographic

How Fluoride Works Infographic

This resource was developed to by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to help communicate the importance of fluoridation.

Community Water Fluoridation Widgets

Want to add the facts about water with fluoride to your website? These free widgets from the Campaign for Dental Health make it easy.
Nation's military and fluoride

Could the nation’s security depend on community water fluoridation?

Most people don’t know that the primary reason recruits in both World War I and II were rejected from serving in the military was a lack of teeth.

Before Fluoridation 1 in 5 Americans Lost Teeth by Middle Age

In the early 1960s, fully 20 % of people between the ages of 45 and 54 had lost all of their permanent teeth.

Video: A Conversation about Fluoride

This short video from the DentaQuest Institute provides a dentist's approach to discussing the importance of fluoride in preventing tooth decay with her patients.

Video: Fluoride in Our Water: Facts You Need to Make a Healthy Choice

As of January 2015, states and communities have been adjusting the level of fluoride in public water systems for 70 years—which makes this a great time to look at facts.

Fluoride: Cavity Fighter (English & Spanish)

This poster developed by the Campaign for Dental Health explores the four ways that children can fight cavities.

Why Do Children Need Fluoride? (English & Spanish)

This poster developed by the Campaign for Dental Health explores the reasons why children benefit from fluoride and community water fluoridation.

Video: Fluoride in the Water Isn’t Going to Hurt You

A Health Care Triage video looks at the myths about community water fluoridation (CWF) and the extensive evidence behind the use of CWF in the US.

Is Your State a Winner When It Comes to Federal Support for Oral Health?

Twenty-one states are winners. They received cooperative agreement grants and technical assistance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. States can save money by using these funds to operate programs that prevent cavities and promote oral health.

Video: Fluoridated Water – Tap into it!

Did you know an estimated 200 million people drink and cook with fluoridated water every day? n fact, most drinking waters naturally contain fluoride. And when adjusted to a certain level, fluoride can help stop and reduce the development of tooth decay.

Community Water Fluoridation by the Numbers

Millions of Americans do not have access to fluoridated water in their communities, leading to higher rates of tooth decay and greater costs to taxpayers. Fluoridation can reduce states' expenditures for emergency room care, Medicaid, and other public health services.

Video: Dentists are Disease Detectives

Your dentist is a disease detective. Did you know your mouth holds clues to what's going on in the rest of your body? Your dentist searches for clues that may point to other serious health issues. Dentists can detect the signs and symptoms of more than 120 diseases by examining your mouth, head and neck. Plus, more than 90 percent of systemic diseases have oral manifestations.

Community Water Fluoridation: Top 10 and Bottom 10

The percentage of residents served by public water systems in each state who are receiving fluoridated water.

Video: The History of Fluoride

In the first part of Delta Dental's series on fluoride, Dr Bill Kohn, DDS, gives an oral history of fluoride and how community water fluoridation became one of the CDC's 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century.

Video: Incorporating Fluoride

In the second part of Delta Dental's series on fluoride, Dr Bill Kohn, DDS, offers tips on how even people who live in communities without fluoridated water can still get the proper amount of this important compound.

Video: Opposition to Fluoride

In the third part of Delta Dental's series on fluoride, Dr Bill Kohn, DDS, addresses the controversy surrounding fluoride and discusses why animosity exists despite its proven benefits to public health.

Video: Delta Dental on Fluorosis

In the fourth part of Delta Dental's series on fluoride, Dr Bill Kohn, DDS, offers tips on how to avoid too much of a good thing (fluoride) and prevent fluorosis

Video: From Drool to School

Did you know kids miss 51 million hours of school each year because of issues with their teeth? It is important to know that as children grow, dental needs change -- and the "From Drool to School" video provides some great tips for babies all the way up to elementary school-age kids.

Video: Spit Can Save Your Life

Did you know that spit can save your life? We pretty much take it for granted, but saliva can tell us a lot about what's going on in your entire body.

New Tools for Oral Health Risk Assessment

The AAP Oral Health Risk Assessment tool has been updated to streamline and support this essential component of the well-child visit. The tool is now accompanied by an intake form to collect pertinent patient information from parents/caregivers. An updated self-management goal sheet supports shared decision-making on preventing cavities and maintaining healthy teeth at home. The […]

How Fluoridation Works Graphics Updated!

The Campaign for Dental Health (CDH) is happy to announce that the How Fluoridation Works poster and graphic have been updated with new images and are available in both Spanish and English!  And now a new format is available that allows for printing of full-size, 18×24 posters! These resources compliment the How Fluoride Works video that is also […]

Why should dental professionals talk about tobacco?

Tobacco is the leading cause of death in the United States, killing 480,000 users each year. Over 15% of adults and nearly 20% of youth in the US are current tobacco users, and 2 in 5 children are regularly exposed to tobacco smoke. Smoking, use of smokeless tobacco products, and exposure to secondhand smoke all […]

New Resources: Common Questions About Fluorosis and Fluoride

Parents have questions, and we have answers. The Campaign for Dental Health has just released new, simpler versions of two of our handouts for parents and caregivers, in both Spanish and English. Enhanced graphics, bold formatting, and a reduction in the amount of text makes these quicker and easier to read. Fluorosis Facts (Spanish) – […]
pediatrician; teeth

VIDEO SNIP: Ask your Pediatrician about Teeth

Young children see the doctor earlier in life and more often than they see the dentist which is why Pediatrician Geisel Collazo Garcia reminds us that your child’s doctor can answer questions about teeth and help you determine when to start seeing the dentist, around your baby’s 1st birthday.

VIDEO SNIP: The Burden of Dental Disease

Pediatrician Qadira Ali Huff sees many families of color and people with low incomes who bear the burden of cavities and dental disease. Dr Huff shares her confidence in tap water to encourage everyone to save money and benefit from the fluoride found in most tap water.
fluoride toothpaste; children; toothpaste for children; toothpaste recommendations

VIDEO SNIP: Best way to protect your family’s teeth

Pediatrician Qadira Ali Huff loves to see what families do to stay healthy. She has a tip that helps protect teeth, saves money, and is good for the environment, too!
every; stage;

VIDEO SNIP: Water at Every Stage of Life

Pediatrician Qadira Ali Huff sees children and cares about your whole family’s health, too. That’s why she wants us to know that drinking water is good at every stage of the lifespan.
Boy Using Water Fountain

VIDEO SNIP: Simplify the Hubbub

Daily life is hectic. Pediatrician Ben Hoffman reminds us that drinking water with fluoride helps protect our teeth, without adding more to your list of things to do.
Silver Diamine Fluoride; pediatric dental

VIDEO: Community Water Fluoridation Works!

Pediatrician Ben Hoffman talks about the difference between kids’ teeth in cities with and without community water fluoridation. Preventing unnecessary cavities and having a healthy mouth is good for us in so many ways. And staying healthy now is more important than ever. Share this short video with families and friends.

VIDEO: Los beneficios de agua del grifo

Pediatra Geisel Collazo: Los beneficios de tomar aqua del grifo sobre tomar bebidas con azĂșcar. Prevenir caries innecesarias y tener una boca sana es algo muy bueno para todos en muchos sentidos. Y mantenerse sano ahora es mĂĄs importante que nunca. Comparta este corto video con sus familiares y amigos.
juice; water; new recommendations

VIDEO: Fluoride in Water: An Easy Way to Protect your Teeth

Pediatrician Geisel Collazo wants families to know that fluoride in water, plus fluoride in toothpaste, is a great way to protect your teeth. Preventing unnecessary cavities and having a healthy mouth is good for us in so many ways. And staying healthy now is more important than ever. Share this short video with families and […]
how flouride works

VIDEO: How Fluoride Works

Did you know that fluoride exists naturally in virtually all water supplies? Fluoride reduces decay by strengthening tooth enamel. Water is “fluoridated” when a public water system adjusts the fluoride to a level known to prevent tooth decay.
Mother and son

Bocas Sanas Para Tí y Tu Bebé

Spanish subtitles included! Two minutes is all you need to see how to clean an infants mouth and set yourself and your baby up for a lifetime of healthy teeth! This video from the University of Maryland School of Public Health’s Horowitz Center for Health Literacy shows one new mom learning how.

Healthy Mouths for You and Your Baby

Two minutes is all you need to see how to clean an infants mouth and set yourself and your baby up for a lifetime of healthy teeth! This video from the University of Maryland School of Public Health’s Horowitz Center for Health Literacy shows one new mom learning how.
Fluoride Keeps Teeth Strong

VIDEO: Kids Know What Makes Teeth Strong!

What did you know about oral health when you were five years old? See what these four, five and six year olds have to say about keeping their teeth shiny and strong.
Fluoride Really Saved our Teeth

VIDEO: Fluoride Really Saved our Teeth

Maria Marquez is a pediatrician in the nation’s capital and a champion of children’s oral health. She knows from both professional and personal experience how much difference water with fluoride means to the health of children’s teeth. That’s why she shared her personal story with us in this new video.

Video: Keeping Kids Healthy: Thinking Beyond the Dental Office

Keeping Kids Healthy: Thinking Beyond the Dental Office There’s no question that access to dental care is critical to helping children achieve optimal oral health. But many stakeholders outside of a dental office also have key parts to play, from doctors to social service providers. In this one-minute video, Colin Reusch, Director of Policy at the […]
Share the Water, Share the Love

Video: Share the Water, Share the Love (English & Spanish)

Video: Share the Water, Share the Love As part of The Mighty Mouth campaign, Washington Dental Service Foundation recently partnered with University of California San Francisco and the University of Washington to develop “Share the Love, Share the Water” a two minute animated, engaging video for Latino/a audiences that explains in plain language with fun […]
Teens need their teeth

Teens Need Their Teeth (English & Spanish)

Your teens may think that they don’t need you anymore, but they’ll always need their teeth! During adolescence we want to be sure that children continue effective oral hygiene habits such as brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, flossing, seeing a dentist, eating a healthy diet that is low in sugar, and drinking water […]
Pediatricians love babies and teeth

Pediatricians LOVE babies and they love baby teeth! (English & Spanish)

Babies are only little for a short time but they need all of our love, care, and affection to make sure that they grow into healthy and happy adults. We don’t think about baby teeth any differently. Taking care of baby teeth is as important as taking care of adult teeth. If you aren’t sure […]
Recipe for Healthy Childhood

Recipe for A Happy and Healthy Childhood (English & Spanish)

Wouldn’t it be great if children came with a recipe to make sure that they grow up happy and healthy? We know it isn’t that simple, but generally there are three ingredients we all want for kids – Laugh, Play, and Smile. Now take a minute to think about how you laugh, play, or smile […]
Oral Health and Pregnancy

Oral Health and Pregnancy (English & Spanish)

The importance of a healthy mouth both before and during pregnancy is not well-understood by most people. What we do know is that dental caries, the disease-process that leads to cavities, is caused by bacteria. Bacteria can spread and do so easily in families. Oral bacteria are no different, and for this reason it is […]

Video: Agua Es Injusto

Agua Es Injusto Justicia Refrescante, a project of El Centro Amistad in Boulder, Colorado, started as an immigrant rights group in 2001. Today their mission is “to integrate and transform the Boulder County community through opportunities and programs for Latinos that promote education, health, and quality of life.” Health includes fighting for safe drinking water. […]
What Kids Say About Teeth

Video: Oral Health According to Kids

Kids say the darnedest things! What did you think about oral health when you were five years old? Chances are you didn’t think about it at all, unless you had a painful cavity. See what these kids think about brushing their teeth, what keeps teeth strong, and going to the dentist!
Kids Brushing Teeth

Video: Do You Know When Kids Brush Their Teeth?

What would your kids say if you asked them about brushing their teeth? We asked preschoolers about brushing their teeth to keep them healthy. See what they think!
Fluoride Is A Good Tginf

Why Fluoride In Your Tap Water Is a Good Thing

Your orange juice can contain calcium, and milk can help deliver Vitamin D into your daily diet. Find out why adding fluoride to your community water systems is safe, natural and effective at preventing 25% of cavities.

Video: Diabetes and Your Oral Health

Good oral health, including drinking fluoridated water instead of sugar sweetened beverages, in just as important to children at risk for or suffering from diabetes or struggling with overweight. The Washington Dental Service Foundation has created this 1.5 minute video on oral health and diabetes for use in patient and provider communications, trainings, and for diabetes educators to use with patients.
U.S. Surgeon General Supports Fluoridation

Video: U.S. Surgeon General Supports Water Fluoridation

In a new video, U.S. Surgeon General Vivek H. Murthy, MD credits community water fluoridation with contributing to declines in the prevalence and severity of tooth decay.
Time to Brush Video

Video: Time To Brush: Tips for Parents of Young Children

Tooth decay is the most common disease children experience. The Time To Brush video provides tips for parents of young children about selecting the right toothbrush, how much toothpaste to use, tooth brushing techniques, and tips for getting their children to brush their teeth.

Video: Why The Government Puts Fluoride In Our Water

The Discovery Channel’s DNews explains why the government puts fluoride in our water in this informative and entertaining video hosted by Trace Dominquez.
Why is fluoride good for teeth?

Video: Why Is Fluoride Good for Teeth?

The SciShow is a series of science-based videos explaining interesting questions. In Why is fluoride good for your teeth?, Michael Aranda answers this question. If our teeth are made mostly of calcium, why do we use fluoride to keep them healthy?
pro-fluoride dentist removing myth from fact

Video: Debunking Unreliable Claims About Fluoridation

Dr Brittany Seymour, assistant professor in oral health policy and epidemiology at Harvard School of Dental Medicine, debunks unreliable claims about water fluoridation in this new video, providing much-needed information and context to the often misrepresented Harvard Study on fluoridation and children’s IQ.
Share the Love, Share the Water

Video: Share the Love, Share the Water

In this video, families will learn how to avoid the sugar in popular beverages by choosing to drink the most refreshing, inexpensive and life-sustaining drink in the world: water! So share the love, share the water.

Water Fluoridation and Your Health

Water Fluoridation and Your Health Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors (ASTDD) has developed a great video on the importance of community water fluoridation (CWF). Speakers include a school nurse, teacher, pediatrician, and more!  

Video: A Conversation about Fluoride

This short video from the DentaQuest Institute provides a dentist's approach to discussing the importance of fluoride in preventing tooth decay with her patients.

Video: Fluoride in Our Water: Facts You Need to Make a Healthy Choice

As of January 2015, states and communities have been adjusting the level of fluoride in public water systems for 70 years—which makes this a great time to look at facts.

Video: Fluoridated Water – Tap into it!

Did you know an estimated 200 million people drink and cook with fluoridated water every day? n fact, most drinking waters naturally contain fluoride. And when adjusted to a certain level, fluoride can help stop and reduce the development of tooth decay.

Video: Dentists are Disease Detectives

Your dentist is a disease detective. Did you know your mouth holds clues to what's going on in the rest of your body? Your dentist searches for clues that may point to other serious health issues. Dentists can detect the signs and symptoms of more than 120 diseases by examining your mouth, head and neck. Plus, more than 90 percent of systemic diseases have oral manifestations.

Video: The History of Fluoride

In the first part of Delta Dental's series on fluoride, Dr Bill Kohn, DDS, gives an oral history of fluoride and how community water fluoridation became one of the CDC's 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century.

Video: Incorporating Fluoride

In the second part of Delta Dental's series on fluoride, Dr Bill Kohn, DDS, offers tips on how even people who live in communities without fluoridated water can still get the proper amount of this important compound.

Video: Opposition to Fluoride

In the third part of Delta Dental's series on fluoride, Dr Bill Kohn, DDS, addresses the controversy surrounding fluoride and discusses why animosity exists despite its proven benefits to public health.

Video: Delta Dental on Fluorosis

In the fourth part of Delta Dental's series on fluoride, Dr Bill Kohn, DDS, offers tips on how to avoid too much of a good thing (fluoride) and prevent fluorosis

Video: From Drool to School

Did you know kids miss 51 million hours of school each year because of issues with their teeth? It is important to know that as children grow, dental needs change -- and the "From Drool to School" video provides some great tips for babies all the way up to elementary school-age kids.

Video: Spit Can Save Your Life

Did you know that spit can save your life? We pretty much take it for granted, but saliva can tell us a lot about what's going on in your entire body.