From the Front Line

Bottled Water and Your Children’s Teeth

February 20, 2014 Children's Oral Health and Fluoride

Contributed by the Children’s Dental Health Project Do your children drink bottled water instead of tap water? Then their teeth could be paying the price. Here is why. Fluoride is a mineral found in nearly all water supplies but usually at a level too low to prevent tooth decay. That’s… » Read Full Post

Blog Discusses Preventing Tooth Decay in Kids, Fluoride, and the Role of Non-Dental Providers

February 13, 2014 Fluoride, Oral Health, and Access to Care

A Science-Based Medicine blog post authored by a pediatrician and a dentist explores the role of non-dental providers in preventing tooth decay in children. The post states that “The goal of dentists, and ideally all pediatric healthcare professionals, is to prevent the development of caries in the first place.” The… » Read Full Post

Harvard Study on Fluoride & Neurotoxicity: Not What it Seems

November 25, 2013 What the Experts Say about Fluoride

In October 2012, Environmental Health Perspectives published an article entitled “Developmental Fluoride Neurotoxicity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis” that noted “the possibility of an adverse effect of high fluoride exposure on children’s neurodevelopment.” Anti-fluoride groups often cite this finding out of context. Here are four important observations that the Campaign… » Read Full Post

Where Does Fluoride Come From?

November 8, 2013 Facts about Fluoride

Fluoride: As American as pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving We know that adjusting the fluoride in our water systems to the ideal level reduces cavities, strengthens teeth, and is an important part of a healthy life.  But where does the fluoride that fortifies our water supply come from? Fluoride is a… » Read Full Post

The EPA Rejects Anti-Fluoride Petition

August 19, 2013 Fluoride in the News

For the past 15 years, Bill Hirzy has attacked community water fluoridation. When he first began this crusade, he worked for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This year, Hirzy (no longer an EPA employee) worked from the outside and filed a petition with the agency, asking it to prohibit a… » Read Full Post

U.S. Department of Defense Salutes Fluoride

May 6, 2013 Fluoride and Public Health Fluoride, Oral Health, and Access to Care

A memorandum issued in March 2013 by a senior official with the U.S. Department of Defense outlines plans to ensure that all military personnel have access to fluoridated water. The memo reports that the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs "has determined that providing optimally fluoridated water at DoD… » Read Full Post

The Truth About Fluoride Additives

April 16, 2013 What the Experts Say about Fluoride

Opponents of fluoridation make a long list of claims about fluoridated water, but they don't reflect the scientific evidence that has been gathered over the years. For example, anti-fluoride groups try to create fear among the public by asserting that the fluoride additives used in fluoridation are dangerous because they… » Read Full Post

Harvard Deans Call Fluoridation “Vital”

March 24, 2013 What the Experts Say about Fluoride

Three of the leading figures of the health community at Harvard University have written a letter expressing their support for community water fluoridation. Dr Jeffrey S. Flier, dean of Harvard Medical School, Dr Bruce Donoff, dean of the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, and Julio Frenh, dean of the Harvard… » Read Full Post

An Expert’s Perspective on IQ Scores

March 22, 2013 What the Experts Say about Fluoride

Anti-fluoride activists continue to circulate a set of studies from China and other foreign countries, claiming that fluoride lowers IQ scores in children. Those studies have serious flaws, and they are also countered by a peer-reviewed U.S. study from 2009. Dr Gary Whitford of the Georgia Health Sciences University was a… » Read Full Post