Albany Residents Will Benefit from Fluoride in Water

April 10th, 2024 Communities Supporting Fluoride, Fluoride and Public Health, Fluoride in the News, Sustain or Initiate Fluoridation in your Community

Residents of Albany, the capital city of New York State, will benefit from fluoride in water. The municipality begins to fluoridate its tap water next year. The Common Council in Albany voted 12-0 last month in favor of the proposal, and the mayor has signed the measure. This victory for public health is a long […]

School Nurses Voice Concern After County Ends Fluoridation

February 27th, 2024 Children's Oral Health and Fluoride, Communities Supporting Fluoride, Health Equity, What the Experts Say about Fluoride

tooth decay children attend school

When officials in Collier County, Florida, recently voted to end fluoridation, dental professionals and pediatricians were disheartened. School nurses were concerned too. Why? They see firsthand the negative impact of tooth decay on children’s ability to attend school, learn and thrive. After the county’s board of commissioners made its decision, leading voices from the school […]

War Moved Kids to a Fluoridated Community

February 21st, 2024 Children's Oral Health, Children's Oral Health and Fluoride, Facts about Fluoride, Fluoride and Public Health

Amid the fighting of World War II, an urgent need to relocate children in Great Britain led to a powerful discovery — one that helped to revolutionize public health and children’s oral health. In a recent newspaper article, British dentist Ray Lowry told this fascinating story. War moved kids to a fluoridated community. Early in […]

Taking a Fresh Look at British Study on Fluoride in Water

November 7th, 2023 Facts about Fluoride, Fluoride and Public Health, Fluoride in the News

In recent years, multiple studies have compared communities with and without the preventive health benefits of fluoride in water. Each one of these studies has revealed fluoridation’s benefits, but let’s take a closer look at the most recent study, which was conducted in England. The purpose of CATFISH (Cumbrian Assessment of Teeth a Fluoride Intervention […]

What Does the EPA Say About Fluoride?

July 17th, 2023 Facts about Fluoride, Fluoride and Public Health, Fluoride in water, What the Experts Say about Fluoride

Like any vitamin or trace element, fluoride in water must be properly balanced for maximum benefit to prevent tooth decay. The recommend amount of fluoride in water is currently 0.7 parts per million, a level that prevents both cavities and fluorosis. Although fluoride occurs naturally in all water, in the U.S. it rarely exceeds the […]

Fluoride in the Emerald City – History of Fluoridation in Seattle, Washington

July 5th, 2023 Children's Oral Health and Fluoride, Communities Supporting Fluoride, Fluoride and Public Health

In the early 1950s, health officials in cities across the United States, including those in Seattle, Washington, were eager to replicate the massive success of the first longitudinal fluoridation study in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The Seattle-King County Department of Public Health first proposed fluoridating Seattle’s water in 1951. The city council put the proposal to […]

Help For Kids’ Teeth: Another Study Reports “clinically significant” Benefits of fluoride in Water

June 22nd, 2023 Children's Oral Health and Fluoride, Fluoride and Public Health, Fluoride, Oral Health, and Access to Care, Health Equity

A team of researchers in England examined the impact of fluoride in water and reported “strong evidence for a highly clinically significant reduction” in the amount and severity of tooth decay. This new study, The effect of community water fluoridation on dental caries in children and young people in England: an ecological study, focused on […]

Lack of Fluoridation Shocks Buffalo Health Advocates

February 1st, 2023 Children's Oral Health and Fluoride, Communities Supporting Fluoride, Fluoride and Public Health, Fluoride in the News

City officials and local health advocates in Buffalo, New York, were recently shocked to learn that the city’s water system had stopped fluoridating drinking water in 2015. Regulations established by the Safe Drinking Water Act require a report each April of the previous year’s water quality. Yet, water officials in Buffalo only disclosed this in […]

USCPS Task Force Issues a New Oral Health Resource

December 15th, 2022 Facts about Fluoride, Fluoride and Public Health, Health Equity

There are proven community-level approaches that protect our teeth by preventing tooth decay. A new color-coded resource from the U.S. Community Preventive Services Task Force summarizes its recommendations to reduce the rate of tooth decay and improve our oral health. Community water fluoridation is one of the strategies that the Task Force recommends. The Task […]

Fluoride Toothpaste Recommendations for Children Under Age 6

December 12th, 2022 Children's Oral Health and Fluoride, Facts about Fluoride, What the Experts Say about Fluoride

fluoride toothpaste; children; toothpaste for children; toothpaste recommendations

Since 2014, the American Dental Association (ADA), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) have all recommended fluoride toothpaste. They advise parents and caregivers to use a rice-sized smear of fluoride toothpaste for children under the age of 3 and to begin brushing twice a day from the […]