Maternal Urinary Fluoride: Not a Valid Measure for Study’s Conclusion

May 21st, 2024 Fluoride and Public Health, Fluoride Dangers, Fluoride in the News

A new study in JAMA Network Open (Malin, et al.) claims to have found an association between maternal urinary fluoride (MUF) levels and later deficiencies in children’s executive function. This study used urine “spot samples” to measure a pregnant woman’s overall exposure to fluoride. Why Spot Samples Are Not Valid for this Study Experts in […]

Exposure to Fluoride in Water: How it’s Measured Really Matters

April 2nd, 2024 Children's Oral Health and Fluoride, Facts about Fluoride, Fluoride and Public Health, Fluoride Dangers, Fluoride in water, What the Experts Say about Fluoride

Opponents of fluoride in water are quick to cite a 2019 Canadian study (Green et al.) to claim that fluoride affects the IQ of 3 and 4 year old children. A new peer-reviewed analysis refutes the validity of this study, showing that the Canadian researchers relied on invalid measures of both fluoride exposure and IQ. […]

Review: Science Doesn’t Back NTP Conclusion

April 1st, 2020 Facts about Fluoride, Fluoride and Public Health, Fluoride Dangers, What the Experts Say about Fluoride

Last fall, the National Toxicology Program (NTP) released a draft monograph with the conclusion that “fluoride is presumed to be a cognitive neurodevelopmental hazard to humans.” Before finalizing its monograph, NTP asked a committee of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) to assess whether its conclusion is supported by the scientific evidence. […]