Partnership Agreement

The Campaign for Dental Health (CDH) is a network of local, state, and national advocates, health professionals, and scientists, working together to raise public awareness about oral health, emphasize prevention, and provide accurate science-based information about why community water fluoridation (CWF) is a safe and essential component of any community’s prevention efforts.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recognizes the important and meaningful contributions that organizational partners make to ensure that the public receives accurate information about the benefits of prevention and CWF and encourages partner organizations to share resources and information that can be posted to the CDH website and/or included in other CDH communications for the purpose of accurately informing the public about oral health prevention and the benefits of CWF. Each organization has an equal opportunity to submit resources and information to be posted on the CDH website. The extent to which resources and information are posted to the website will be under the discretion of the AAP.

By signing this agreement you agree with the above and support CWF as a safe and effective public health intervention. As a member of the Campaign for Dental Health, you also give the AAP permission to display your organization’s logo on our website. (Please provide with a current copy of your organization’s logo.)

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