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Teach other providers about oral health?

Everyone has a role to play on the health care team. Students and residents in the health professions need to be exposed early and reminded often that children’s oral health is part of overall health and that they can prevent disease and identify when care is needed.

The AAP Protecting All Children’s Teeth (PACT) curriculum provides PowerPoint presentations to help you train medical students, residents, colleagues. Each includes an outline, learner objectives, speakers notes, references, and a question and answer series following the presentation. Additional resources include a picture gallery, a comprehensive post-test, videos, a photo gallery, and patient and provider information.


Additional training and educational materials are available on the AAP Oral Health website. Scroll through them all!

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Smiles for Life is a comprehensive, online learning tool for health professionals made up of learning modules and resources to help integrate oral health and primary care across the lifespan. The Teach Curriculum tab contains 11 discrete modules plus tools, games and supplemental resources.

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Temple University Maurice H. Kornberg School of Dentistry (TUKSoD), Dr. Vinodh Bhoopathi, and the Childrens’ Dental Health Project (CDHP), collaborated to develop an oral health advocacy toolkit for dental, dental hygiene, pediatric dental residency, dental public health residency, and other academic programs that wish to initiate and/or integrate oral health advocacy training into their dental curriculum.

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