I’m a Dentist, but I’m Also a Mom and I Support Fluoridation
Dr Valencia has something to share, not as a dentist but as a mother. She believes that fluoridated water is a great way to help her sons protect their growing teeth from decay. She knows that everyone benefits from drinking optimally fluoridated water.
The Campaign for Dental Health is pleased to provide supporters of community water fluoridation (CWF) with seven shareable images. These are designed to place CWF at the center of values that are shared by communities and individuals alike: pride of place, doing what’s best for children, and maintaining healthy practices that benefit everyone. These shareable images draw on our trust in doctors and dentists to demonstrate that – as parents, too – they support the safety and effectiveness of community water fluoridation, a value we think will resonate with self-directed young parents. And we tap into the American sense of progress and pride to inspire a desire to provide and protect high public health standards.
We invite you to click on the thumbnail below, save it, and share the image on your website or social media page.