From the Front Line

Newly Updated Fluoride Resources Online

July 15, 2024 Facts about Fluoride Public Education Materials What the Experts Say about Fluoride

Good news for people who want to educate themselves and their communities about fluoride and fluoridation! Some of the most respected voices in health and medicine have newly updated fluoride resources online. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently updated its… » Read Full Post

Leesburg, Florida Just Voted to Initiate Fluoridation

June 12, 2024 Communities Supporting Fluoride Fluoride and Public Health Sustain or Initiate Fluoridation in your Community

Guest author Johnny Johnson, Jr., DMD, MS is a Pediatric Dentist in Pinellas County, Florida. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry and current President of the American Fluoridation Society. On the evening of Monday June 10, 2024, nestled next to other cozy communities in Central… » Read Full Post

Kansas Dentist on Advocacy: “It was my duty.”

June 4, 2024 Children's Oral Health and Fluoride Communities Supporting Fluoride Fight a Rollback Attempt

On Monday, May 13, the city commission in Abilene, Kansas, voted to reinstate water fluoridation after having voted a few weeks earlier to end the practice. The turnaround didn’t happen on its own. Local health professionals, spearheaded by Dr. Beatrice Brittan — an Abilene dentist — played a pivotal role… » Read Full Post

Maternal Urinary Fluoride: Not a Valid Measure for Study’s Conclusion

May 21, 2024 Fluoride and Public Health Fluoride Dangers Fluoride in the News

A new study in JAMA Network Open (Malin, et al.) claims to have found an association between maternal urinary fluoride (MUF) levels and later deficiencies in children’s executive function. This study used urine “spot samples” to measure a pregnant woman’s overall exposure to fluoride. Why Spot Samples Are Not Valid… » Read Full Post

Fluoride & IQ: Until recently, concerns were rarely raised

May 8, 2024 Facts about Fluoride Fluoride and Public Health

Thanks to fluoride in water, America has been preventing tooth decay for over 75 years. Fluoridation is effective, safe and benefits everyone regardless of age or income. About 3 out of 4 people in U.S. communities enjoy fluoridated water. Until recently, concerns about fluoride and IQ were rare. Opponents of… » Read Full Post

IQ Scores; fluoride

Kids know what makes teeth strong – fluoride!

May 7, 2024 Children's Oral Health Video

What did you think about oral health when you were five years old? Chances are you didn’t think about it at all, unless you had a painful cavity. We asked preschoolers to talk about how brushing their teeth keeps them healthy and strong. See what these four, five and six… » Read Full Post

Fluoride Keeps Teeth Strong

Albany Residents Will Benefit from Fluoride in Water

April 10, 2024 Communities Supporting Fluoride Fluoride and Public Health Fluoride in the News Sustain or Initiate Fluoridation in your Community

Residents of Albany, the capital city of New York State, will benefit from fluoride in water. The municipality begins to fluoridate its tap water next year. The Common Council in Albany voted 12-0 last month in favor of the proposal, and the mayor has signed the measure. This victory for… » Read Full Post

Exposure to Fluoride in Water: How it’s Measured Really Matters

April 2, 2024 Children's Oral Health and Fluoride Facts about Fluoride Fluoride and Public Health Fluoride Dangers Fluoride in water What the Experts Say about Fluoride

Opponents of fluoride in water are quick to cite a 2019 Canadian study (Green et al.) to claim that fluoride affects the IQ of 3 and 4 year old children. A new peer-reviewed analysis refutes the validity of this study, showing that the Canadian researchers relied on invalid measures of… » Read Full Post

School Nurses Voice Concern After County Ends Fluoridation

February 27, 2024 Children's Oral Health and Fluoride Communities Supporting Fluoride Health Equity What the Experts Say about Fluoride

When officials in Collier County, Florida, recently voted to end fluoridation, dental professionals and pediatricians were disheartened. School nurses were concerned too. Why? They see firsthand the negative impact of tooth decay on children’s ability to attend school, learn and thrive. After the county’s board of commissioners made its decision,… » Read Full Post

tooth decay children attend school

War Moved Kids to a Fluoridated Community

February 21, 2024 Children's Oral Health Children's Oral Health and Fluoride Facts about Fluoride Fluoride and Public Health

Amid the fighting of World War II, an urgent need to relocate children in Great Britain led to a powerful discovery — one that helped to revolutionize public health and children’s oral health. In a recent newspaper article, British dentist Ray Lowry told this fascinating story. War moved kids to… » Read Full Post

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