Connecting Kids to Dental Coverage

Posted & filed under Children's Oral Health and Fluoride, Featured.

Tooth decay is the most common chronic disease of childhood. Nearly half of all 5-year-olds have experienced tooth decay. Yet, sadly, 4 million children are eligible right now to receive dental coverage through Medicaid or CHIP but are not enrolled. Let’s help to reduce that number.

If left untreated, tooth decay can interfere with a child’s ability to eat, sleep, socialize and learn. Community water fluoridation is one way to help protect against tooth decay, but it is no substitute for regular dental care. Children with dental coverage are more likely to get the care they need. Parents should learn if their kids are eligible for coverage.  If so, they can sign up their children. This Web page can help them find out the low-cost or no-cost dental coverage that is available in their state.

Medicaid and CHIP cover a variety of dental services, such as teeth cleanings, check-ups, x-rays, fluoride, dental sealants and fillings. Parents can find out more by calling 1-877-KIDS-NOW or visiting

Dentists, dental hygienists and other oral health advocates can help connect kids to coverage by printing or circulating the educational materials produced by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Oral health advocates can direct parents and caregivers to this Web page, where families can learn more about dental coverage through their state’s Medicaid or CHIP program.